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Back of throat
9/23 17:38:42

Hi Dr. Durin,

I have been having ongoing strange symptoms in the back of my throat, basically in the tonsil area but at the very back of the oropharynx.  I have a stinging or sore sensation when the top part of these tonsils are palpated, and also there is what I would describe as a bony protrusion in the very back of my throat slightly offcenter (just below uvula), which is also at times sore when pressed.  It is much easier to feel than see.  

Is it normal to have a bump in this area, or should the back of the throat be relatively smooth in contour?

Should there be any pain or stinging in this area when palpated?

Thanks very much in advance.

Hi Kevin,

The good news is it probably isn't malignant since it hurts on palpation, the bad news is it's not normal. A Z-pack should knock it out in a few days. It sounds like oral pharyngitis. Looking at the tonsils, are there white spotss on them? If not then it isn't tonsillitis, I would go to the GP and have it treated before it gets ugly.

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Thank you for your question Kevin and good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin  

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