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right shoulder blade right side facial pain
9/23 17:38:10

I have had upper back/neck problems for 15 years to which I found out that I had torn a ligament in my neck, don't know how?  During the course of time, chiro/decompression/massage therapies I continue to have what I call a right-sided facial pain that seems to stem from the right shoulder blade up through the neck into the ear and jawline.  At times I get numbness/tingling in both arms into the first four digits of both hands excluding the pinkie finger.  Could all of this be associated to the neck injury from many years ago?  Is there a name for this condition?  I've been told recurrent stress injury; fibromyalgia.  I also have a reverse curve of the neck would that also contribute to these symptoms?  At times the pain is quite debilitating.  I get chiro/massage therapies often.  Is there anything else I should be doing that could help prevent these flare ups?  I appreciate your time regarding my concerns.

Dear Pam,

First of all this is probably not does not fit the diagnostic criteria set froth by the American College of Rheumatology.  For this diagnosis you should have pain at multiple specific points over the body to include the neck & back, on the anterior & posterior of the body, and the legs in addition to overall fatigue and pain.  

The right sided facial pain from the shoulder blade can easily be explained by chronic muscle spasms and trigger points.  There is a diagnostic manual written by Travell & Simmons on trigger point pain referral, and it is a great resource.  The levator scap muscle, the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the rhomboid muscles, and the trapezius muscle can refer pain to the areas you have stated.  Moreover all of these muscles will be dysfunctional and stressed with a reversed curve in the neck which additionally stretches the nerve roots in the neck that supply information to the arms (numbness and tingling).  Yes, all of this can be from your previous injury.  Check out these quotes for an appreciation of the neck curve situation.

揊or every inch of forward head posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds.?Kapandji, Physiology of Joints, Vol 3.

揕oss of the cervical curve stretches the spinal cord 5-7 cm and causes Disease.? Dr. Alf Breig, Neurosurgeon (Nobel Prize Recipient)

揊orward head posture leads to long term muscle strain, disc herniations, arthritis and pinched nerves.? The Mayo Clinic, Nov. 3rd, 2000

?0% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine?Dr. Roger Sperry, (Nobel Prize Recipient for Brain Research)

Additionally, Dr. Sperry demonstrated that 90% of the energy output of the brain is used in relating the physical body to gravity.  Only 10% has to do with thinking, metabolism, and healing, so when you have forward head posture your brain will rob energy from your thinking, metabolism, and immune function to deal with abnormal gravity/posture relationships and processing.

My suggestion to you is that you find a chiropractor who has the training to actually change the curve in the neck and restructure it over time.  This process requires specific directional traction and exercise protocols, and they need to be applied according to the current angular measurements of your spine.  To find out more about this technique, please check out:  ...there is also a physician listing on the site of qualified doctors around the country.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman  

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