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sports injury
9/23 17:36:05

My son 12yrs old was playing a football game and got tackled and he was bent strait back from his knees.  His back has been bothering him ever since, and he is getting migraines. He is moving around ok but in pain. I have been giving him motrin and putting heat on his back.  should I take him to the hospital.

Dear Kimberly,

I don't think he needs to go to the hospital at this point, but I would encourage you to get him examined by a local sports injury physician.  Preferably a chiropractic physician with a sports certification or an sports injury trained orthopedist.  If the chiropractor or ortho finds something on exam that warrants advanced testing, they can then refer you to an imaging center or the hospital, and call ahead to let them know you are on the way.

He needs to have a functional examination to include functional orthopedic and neurological tests, and these are not likely to be performed if you go to a general practitioner.  If he is having pinpoint pain issues in the lower back then x-rays should be taken as well.  

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman  

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