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chronic ?sciatic pain
9/23 17:35:07

Hello MR. Gold,
I'm female,34 years old.,about 1 year ago i started to have pain in my right leg.Pain was getting really bad it has been hard for me to walk.One morning i got out of bed and collapsed on the floor as both my legs were numb,i couldn't feel anything.But all of this lasted only 2-3 minutes.
I went to see my GP,he told me I have sciatica and gave me some painkillers.
Since then the pain isn't getting any better.But i didn't experience anymore numbness as before.
I would wake up nearly every night due to pain in my lower back and right leg,my back is stiff every morning and continue to be stiff during a day.
Everytime i have to stand up for little more then 5 minutes in one place or sit on the cheer my back get stiff(I call the feeling as if it gets glued together and force my posture to the back so it is very painful for me to straighten up.)
This is also reflected on my sexual life.I cannot find position which would be pain free.
Do you think I should go and see my GP again as I read more and more that there isn't any avail.cure for sciatic pain?Or might be something alls what is causing my pain?
I bougth high quality matres which should be helping me but after 6 months there isn't any relief.

Thank you in advance for any advise.


Hello, Kira.

First, read my brief article on sciatic pain at

There is a definitive way to clear up sciatica and it works quickly.  It's just not a medical approach because sciatica isn't a medical problem; it's a conditioning problem in which muscles in the low back and/or buttock are so tight they cause pressure on the sciatic nerve.  You need to recover control of those muscles, so they relax and move freely and the pressure comes off the nerve.  It's that simple.

Also, read my articles on back pain at  

Back pain is usually easy to clear up, using the methods of somatic education/training.

If you were my client, I would expect to have to do a few sessions with you to get the needed outcome.  If you can't find a practitioner, contact me and I will suggest a self-help program.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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