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worried about neck grinding/clicking
9/23 17:34:03


I went to lift some weights last Wednesday morning and thereafter my neck began grinding/clicking (very loud) whenever I rotate my head. I thought this would disappear after a few days however it hasn't gone away at all. I have full mobility and no suffering no pain. It's really the noise that's driving me nuts.

I'd like to have this checked out in case it turns serious. What do you recommend as a course of action? Should I see a chiropractor or physiotherapist?





The clicking/ cricking in your neck is called CREPITATION.  It's usually due to one hinge or two in your spine that's moving more than it normally would, sometimes as a result of an injury. Left to it's own devices, it will continually stay irritated, and cause arthritis.  (ARTH= hinge) (ITIS=inflammation)

Chiropractors like me don't adjust this level... we adjust everything else to get the other hinges to do some work, instead.  It's a lot like a soccer or rugby team, oops I mean, football or Australian rules team, where there's only one player really doing the work:  he gets pissed off (inflamed), and slowly wears out.  That's what I suspect is happening to your neck.

A cervical pillow often helps here, too.   I like the Therapeutica brand, but there are lots out there.  Avoid the water based and memory foam types. Massage feels great, and helps, too.  

Aren't you proud of me? I didn't ask if it was a "crick" or a "crikey"! I always think Oz people get crikeys in the neck.   :)

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