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Spinal fusion and pain
9/23 17:33:24

I had a spinal fusion eight years ago on the fourth and fifth and I have been in and out of PT. Lately when I exercise I feel great but days later I have sharp pain shooting from the neck and upper back muscles. I can't sleep and the pinching is returning. Is it time to seek medication, alter the workout or run to the neurologist?

Hello, Chrystal.

My answer is, "none of the above."  

You've just discovered that surgery can't address muscular contractions, which the brain controls through learned postural reflexes.

Such muscular contractions are usually behind the degenerative changes that require surgery.  Consider the implication of that statement, as regards surgery as a solution.

Somatic education is the process by which such muscular contractions are brought under your control. It involves more sophisticated (and easier) methods than are employed in physical therapy.

May I refer you to my (concise) articles at

Clinical practitioners and self-help programs are both available.  

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