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lumbar fusion
9/23 17:33:13

i had 3 fusions first 1979,1983,1985. l3,l4,l5,s1 first front way second back with harrington rods.i had last they took rods out. i am still left with severe pain in left leg and groin.butok and bottom off back on left side. mow on left on m.s.t 100mg daily. cant walk far i am at wits end. docter said any more surgery could leave me worse. doctor left who did sougery. mr obrien at oswestry orth.

Dear David,

Such pain is usually of muscular or neurological origin -- probably a combination in your case.

Why a spine breaks down to the point of needing fusion usually traces to excessive muscular tensions of the back muscles, which compress vertebrae and lead to disc breakdown and nerve root compression.

I also suspect your psoas muscles are involved (groin).

No surgery can correct that problem.  It's a reflexive muscular action that can usually be retrained.  You have a good chance of recovery by that means, which I believe is your best option.

May I direct you to my write-ups on back pain at

Those will give you the needed background and access to help.

I can give you recommendations for self-help programs, if you ask.  

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