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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > numbness
9/23 17:32:31

I recently noticed numbness on my right shin, mostly on the upper skin.  This has, over the course of a week now travelled to my ankle area, right at the joint. Again,not the entire foot or leg, just the superficial skin.  I can still walk and am in no pain. Do you have any idea what this might be?

 It could be a couple of things.  Number one have you changed anything as far as a workout routine, increased cardio exercise, changed sleeping positions or type of work?  Any trauma, sprained ankle, change if footwear?  It could be an irritation to the back or gluts causing referral symptoms into the shin area, it could be a that right below the knee on the lateral aspect is where the sciatic nerve branches and if there was trauma near the area it could be causing these symptoms.  I could also be tightness of the calves which is causing strain on the anterior tibialis muscle, the muscle of the shin, creating some of the numbness.  If you can give me some more information I might be able to help you find out the source of it.


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