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Symptoms and Lab Result Questions
9/23 17:21:33

QUESTION: For the past few years I've been dealing with "random" joint pain in my wrists. Sometimes it will be just one, some times it will be both. The pain can last for weeks or days, then goes away for awhile and I'll have no trouble with it again for some time.  Well recently the pain keeps getting worse, to the point I could not bend my wrists, so I went to a general physician.

I had some blood tests done. My results came back as follows:

RA Latex Turbid-13.4
Uric Acid, Serum-4.9
Sedimentation Rate, westergren-8

What does all this mean? My physician says it means nothing, and to come back if the pain comes back. But I know something is wrong (I cant be hurting like this for no reason!), and I don't want to cause any further damage if I can prevent it!

What do these symptoms sound like? What can I ask the Dr to check for?

ANSWER: Hannah,

Here is one the tests results say. Your RA Factor is on the high side of normal. RA Factor is used to diagnose Rheumatoid type arthritis conditions. This test is not conclusive meaning it alone does not determine if you have some form of autoimmune disease.

Uric acid is normal. Uric acid level is used to diagnose Gout. This test is conclusive meaning you do not have gout.

Sed Rate is normal. When there is significant inflammation or infection in your body this will show up in the sed rate.

The symptoms could be consistent with some form of arthritis. These conditions can be hard to diagnose.

If the pain is still there or when it returns go back to your doctor. Tell him or her that you want to find out what is causing your pain. Do not be afraid to ask for a referral to a specialist if you doctor can not find the cause.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for your reply. Do you think my RA Factor would be higher during a "flare-up"? By the time I saw the doctor the pain had disappeared again. Should I insist on getting a test done when I experience the pain again or would it be the same no matter what?


Your RA Factor does not usually fluctuate much. You can have RA and have an RA Factor of 0. Most people with RA have it elevated well above 15.

Sed rate however will fluctuate depending on the amount of inflammation in your body. So having it tested again during a flare up is a good idea.

Here is a link with more information about diagnosing RA and other autoimmune diseases. While this page is about RA most of the tests can be used to diagnose several different conditions.

Best wishes


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