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chest pain
9/23 17:23:15

I have had severe chest wall pain and other pain mostly on the left side of my body for two years.  No one can seem to figure out what it is.  Can arthritis cause this?  My CRP is always high and I have some symptoms of fibromylgia but not all.


It is possible that it could be arthritis. If it were arthritis you would most likely see pain in the center of the chest or in the back where there are joints.  My mother has had similar pain for many years. CRP measures a protein produced by the liver when the body is fighting acute inflammation or infection. If it were arthritis you would most likely see pain in the center of the chest or in the back where there are joints. With pain on the left side of the rib cage it could be inflammation of the soft tissue around the ribs. It could also be type of myalgia affecting the muscles around the rib cage.

I wish I could be more help but as you have seen this type of conditon is very hard to diagnose. Be diligent with your doctors. You deserve to have an accurate diagnosis or a treatment program that will control you pain.

I wish you well.


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