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Degenerative Arthritis
9/21 14:24:01
Hello, I have been dianosed with Degenerative Arthritis in my hip, I have been putting up with the pain for well over a year now. I had xrays done and the results confirmed that I have no cartiledge
left, I have been on prednizone and relafen with no difference in pain level,
my doctor wants me to see an orthopedic
I am 41 yrs old and work at a local grain company I do a lot of maintence work so I am up and down ladders a lot heights in range of 60 feet to 140 feet is hip surgery going to affect my job and any other info you could give me would be great.
I would of asked my doctor these questions but I felt he was trying to hurry me along.  

Dear William

In my experience, your surgery, especially if it's a total hip replacement will affect your work if you do a lot of physical things.  The problem you will find is that even though the new hip will alleviate your pain you will have restrictions.  

In my case, I cannot do anything where I may fall and injure the hip.  If you fall, you can dislocate and once you dislocate, you set yourself up for further dislocations which can affect the life of the hip.  You also cannot put your leg in specific positions such as bending over a 90 degree angle, or rotating the knee inwards, that will dislocate the hip.

Personally, if you are not getting pain relief and you have degenerative arthritis, and the doctor is suggesting the hip surgery, I'd do it.

I had my first hip done at 16, and I went on to lead a normal life.  I got married, had kids and work a full time job.  I cannot ice skate, jump, run, ski, or do any contact sports, but for me, that is a small thing.

Best of luck to you and if you have further questions, please contact me.

Sharon Davis

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