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arm pain and finger numbness
9/26 8:45:53

i have recently been waking up with severe pain in my forearms and numbness in my middle and ringfinger. the numbness in my left has stayed constant for 5 days now and never goes away. any idea what my issue is?

It's difficult to determine what is causing your pain without knowing a full history of your current condition. Are you only getting this pain in the morning? If so, it may be caused by your neck position when you are sleeping. Are you waking up in the middle of the night with this numbness or do you only notice it in the morning. If you are getting discomfort which wakes you up at night, then I would recommend getting some x-rays to assess the spinal structures of your neck and upper back. I would also recommend getting an assessment of your arms to rule out muscular adhesions which may impede a nerve and cause numbness. However because your symptoms are bilateral I am leading toward some type of central restriction. For example degenerative disc disease, or degenerative joint disease, or a neck disc bulge/herniation. In closing I would recommend you get yourself assessed by a chiropractor before this numbness becomes too chronic

Best of Luck

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