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difficulty walking upstairs or rising from a chair.
9/26 8:42:25

Hi there, I have paresthetica meralgia, bilateral tennis elbow and bilateral golfers elbow with plantar fascitis.I have had some adjustments and my neck is only a little bit easier. I also have throacic outlet syndrome. Can you possibly advise me what the below xray results mean and if it could be causing my inability to rise from a chair? I also have difficulty walking upstairs.
Thanks so much
Kind regards.

found some vague neurological weakness of her
bilateral deltoids, triceps, wrist and finger flexors, finger extensors, tibialis
anterior, hamstring and gluteus maximus. Her reflexes were slightly reduced at
C7 and S1. All other neurological tests were normal. Orthopaedic testing was
positive for radicular encroachment bilaterally in the cervical spine. All cervical
range of motion was limited at the initial examination, lumbar range of motion
was normal.
Spinal imaging demonstrated a significant degenerative retrolisthesis at L5/S1
and some minor anterolisthesis at L4/5. There may be some stenosis at C5/6
which may be causing some of the neurological symptoms in her upper thighs
and her neck in my opinion.

Without a hands on exam, diagnosis is a little difficult.  But, from the x ray findings :Spinal imaging demonstrated a significant degenerative retrolisthesis at L5/S1
and some minor anterolisthesis at L4/5. There may be some stenosis at C5/6
which may be causing some of the neurological symptoms in her upper thighs
and her neck in my opinion.
We get a few clues.  The degenerative retrolisthesis and anterolisthesis can be causing nerve pressure, leading to your Meralgia Parasthetica.  The muscles that support this area, the Psoas muslces, are involved in raising the leg for the first 15 degrees.  Having the low back problems you do, these muscles need to be addressed, and a proper rehab program set up.  This will make the stair climbing much easier.

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