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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Chiropractors > upper thigh and leg
upper thigh and leg
9/26 8:38:31

When I stoop over I get severe pain and have problems straightening up.  I have to try to stand straight up, bringing my hips forward and get back in place, then no pain.  It is not a constant pain, only when I stoop.
thank you.


There could be a myriad of problems with your spine and pelvis that could be causing this pain. There is not enough information to even guess at what might be happening with your spine and pelvis.

However there is enough information to know this sounds like a bio-mechanical problem with your spine and or your pelvis.

I would suggest you go to a chiropractor and get a complete physical examination with a set of xrays as soon as possible.

Once you do that if you have further questions please resubmit them to me and I will answer them for you.

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