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numb leg
9/26 8:53:10

Dear Doctor, I have a numb area above my r. knee and upwards.  It wraps around my thigh to the right.  It has different symptoms, namely tingling, numbness, and itching.  At times it feels as though I have electric shocks going through the area.  How do I treat it?
Thank you.

Dear Margot,

The symptoms you have described are indicative of low back and pelvic dysfunction.  The ultimate cause of the problem needs to be determine with a functional and orthopedic examination of the area.  I would suggest a chiropractic examination to include x-rays and a possible MRI if indicated by the exam findings.  This could be pain referral from the nerve root, sacroiliac joints, spinal joints, disk or myofascial system...all of which can be helped with chiropractic manipulation.

I see patients with symptoms such as yours every week in my clinic, and we get great results with spinal adjustments and focused rehab exercises.  Schedule and exam with a local chiropractor and have the low back and pelvis evaluated.  Ask family, friends or coworkers for a referral to a chiropractic physician who has helped them out in the past and schedule a free consult with the doctor.  When you start care, make sure that the doctor specifically tells you what the problem is and how it is going to be treated.

Feel free to write back with questions on any information the doctor gives to you about your case.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman  

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