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head and neck pain
9/26 10:57:00


I have been experiencing sinus,jaw,head,and neck pain/inflammation for almost a year. I also feel dizzy sometimes, have uneven pupils and have memory/cognitive problems. My head feels heavy and tremors very slightly sometimes. Can this all be caused by C1 and C2 subluxation. If so what is the proper technique to fix it and does it take a long time to fix? Will these symptoms I have ever be cured? What about meningeal torque and what technique is used to treat it? Are you familiar with skull plate adjustments?

I know I have a lot of questions and any help you can give would be extremely appreciated. The memory problem is really scaring me. By the way I have seen a neurologist and ENT Dr.and had CT scan with dye of head and neck and sinus, EEG and tested negative for allergies.

Thanks again for your time,


Thank you for you question. To begin your question is complex yes there are cases that have similar symptoms to what you describe that originate from an injury to the C1 C2 area. Without a proper case history and examination I could not give you a good answer.

A classic history for an Upper Cervical care candidate is an old injury to the head or neck and most commonly the symptoms will show up years later.

How long will it take to get well depends upon several factors including age of the patient, severity of the condition, severity of the spinal injury, and duration of time the condition has been present. These things must be taken into account.

As far as technique to correct an Upper Cervical problem I would recommend you specifically seek out an Upper Cervical Chiropractor. They will have the training necessary to evaluate your situation. is a good site to find Upper Cervical Doctors throughout the country.

As far as meningeal torque this occurs along with the Upper Cervical misalignment. I am familiar with skull plate adjustments in all their various names and monikers. Cranial techniques date back to the earliest days of Chiropractic.

I hope this helps,

Dr. Grayson Blom, B.Sc., D.C.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic Specialist

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