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why do my hands get hot?
9/26 10:40:34

I am 27 year old girl.My hands get hot.I can't tolarant it so I wash my hands with cold water for several times.what is the main reason of getting hot?

Dear Sally,

Thank you for your question.  

The body is amazingly complex and there is no simple answer to your question.  More importantly, such a generic response would not do you much good in trying to pinpoint what is happening with you.  The matter of making a medical diagnosis is difficult when done properly and is probably nothing more than a guess, at best, when done poorly, such as by e-mail.  Anyone who would try to arrive at a medical conclusion this way could be doing you a great disservice.  It may be your best choice to get information from someone qualified in a therapeutic, medical field who has seen you in-person.

James W. Healey, DC

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