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lots of questions on chiro!
9/26 10:41:25

1) According to traditional chiropractic concepts of innate intelligence, is it 100% complete and omnipotent in the brain at the time of conception or birth?    2) Is innate intelligence located in a specific area of the body or not located in any specific part?    3) Is normal function (ie. Health) the non hierarchal integration of physical, chemical and emotional components of the body in response to environmental factors, or is there a dominant hierarchal structure such as the nervous system?    4) Are the 憈ruths?underlying chiropractic testable by scientific method. If they are what aspects could be tested and how?    5) What steps could DD Palmer have taken using scientific methods rathers than philosophical reasoning to investigate the observed results of the first adjustment.    6) Differentiate 憇tatic?from 慸ynamic?concepts of a subluxation.    7) How would a manipulation be differentiated from an adjustment in mechanical terms?

Dear Claire,

Thank you for visiting AllExperts and submitting "lots of questions on chiro!"  It is always a pleasure to hear from someone investigating chiropractic.  It is not often that I get questions of such an academic nature, something I particularly enjoy.  

Before I address your questions, though, I have a few for you.  What is your background or what level of familiarity do you have with chiropractic?  What makes you wonder about these things?  Are you a student?  Do you have a specific interest in chiropractic philosophical concepts?  Are these questions part of an assignment or test of some sort, as they sound?  I'm asking so that I may have some perspective on how best to respond.  

Claire, I will be away for the next several days but look forward to hearing back from you on my return!

James W. Healey, DC

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