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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Spinal Cord Injury > Sprits
9/26 9:49:10

Hi Jon,
I take care of the sweetist lady, and she has been a quad for 4 years now. She was having pain in her neck and the doctors gave her a botox shot. I  has been hell ever since. She cant even hold her head up anymore. Anyway, my question is this, how do we get her to try? My 12 year old daughter is a gift from Heaven, I had to take my daughter  to work with me yesterday, And her and the lady I take care of were talking. Well my little girl said to her... You can do anything if you just try... You know she had me put her in her chair and she drove a little. Well now today all of the sudden she cant do it. What do I do? Do you know anything about botox, and how long its affects will last? Or is it just a giving up thing?


Hi Betty,

Thanks so much for your questions.

Botox is a very diluted form of botulism. Botulism is the deadliest substance known to man. The effects can last for months but it depends on the amount given, the dilution and the person. I would strongly suggest that you have her contact her doctor and let him/her know what's going on. I have seen cases were botox has caused severe and adverse reactions.

There has been many good things come from botox like the treatment of arthritis, headaches, etc.

I can't honestly say if she has given up or if it's the effects of the botox. It could be that she may feel weak at times and would rather not do anything and then again, she may just have better days than others. Just do your best to encourage her and hopefully the effects will wear off soon.

I hope this helps and if you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me anytime.

Thanks again,
John McKinzie

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