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Do SCIs worsten over time?
9/26 9:47:34

I had compression caused by an injury at the c-6 level for 5-6 years before I got surgery to correct it. So the damage caused is permanent. After surgery, the compression was finally relieved and I can still walk with some various nerve issues that don't come close to comparing to what you're going through. But that surgery was in June of 2006. Now,several years later, I feel the nerve issues are worsening. Sitting in chairs hurts after a while. Lifting heavy objects will cause pain. Due to lack of insurance, I haven't seen my doctors since the surgery. Do SCI's worsen over time?

Dear Jeff, Almost everyone's spinal cord shows signs of degeneration with age. I wish you could afford insurance because without it you are in a precarious situation, not that you need me to tell you that. If there is any way you could see a neurologist you should, you need to have that looked at. I know this didn't help you resolve your problem, but you need to have a doctor look at your neck/spine. Take care and know I'm praying for you.  Sincerely, Ken

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