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Do I need chiropratic care?
9/26 9:03:16

Dr. Khalsa,
I'm a 20 year old female, and I experience back pain 2 or 3 times a month, consisting of aching and stiffness. It does not seem to correspond to exercise or exertion, but sometimes follows periods of prolonged standing (2+ hours). My back pops accidentally every day, often several times, and feels better when it does. I've had problems with the musculature in my back since childhood, and I've been told (not by an expert) that my spinal alignment might be off. Should I see a chiropractor?
-Lauren Sicking

Based on the info you gave, it would probably be very helpful to you to see a good chiropractor.

Chiropractic helps by correcting blockages or restrictions in small spinal joints in the neck or back that irritate nerves.  These restrictions, which are very common, can often cause symptoms such as back pain or stiffness.
This is an extremely common cause of back pain, and is NOT corrected by medication, physical therapy, or even by exercise alone.

Research has shown that spinal manipulation or "adjustments" can in many cases greatly improve back pain. Chiropractic treatment works best if it is also combined with appropriate rehabilitative back exercises.

Based on your age and history, you should NOT need any spinal x-rays, but you could need treatment twice a week for a short time (a month at most) and then once a week for another month or two.  You should feel a difference within the first 3-4 visits but it will probably take longer to get in excellent shape.

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