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low back pain with pinching and burning in genital area
9/26 8:55:55

This all started almost 4 months ago.  Was visting my daughter in Hawaii.  Started like I had a bladder infection.  Had to go the the bathroom all the time and felt pressure in bladder and pelvic area and burning in genital area.
Went to Dr.  No bacteria or blood in urine.  Was put on cipro just in case - not better.  Went to Dr. once I got home.  No blood or bacteria in urine once again.  No vaginal infection.  Had ultra sound of pelvic area - all female organs fine.  Still have the burning pressure but it seems to be associated with my lower back now. Some nights are sleepless.  Also buttocks get numb.  Any Ideas.

Hi Vicki,

You didn't mention whether or not you have gone to a chiropractic doctor for a check up.  This does happen at times.  

It is usually the L3-4 level where the nerve compromise occurs.  It is quite irritating and often clears up quickly.

A chiropractic consult is the best idea I can give.  

Hope this helps a bit.

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