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L5 hurniated disk
9/26 8:46:31

is a hurniated disk something a chiropractor can usually treat?


Dr Grassi,Jupiter,Flor
Hi Aaron: A resounding YES.! That's part of what we live for. Of course unless, it is so herniated that you need surgery. The term "Herniated or Slipped Disc" is very vague and generic. We need to slice this Pizza into pieces but first we need to know how many people we need to feed. My point is. I need more info. Have you seen any Dr's. Have you had any Xrays, MRI Scans, EMG Nerve testing, Any preliminary Diagnosis. Why do you think you or someone else has a Herniated Disc.? I can help you with this but, I need more info. I'll send you in the right direction. Dr Ron Grassi,DC.,MS.Jupiter,Florida.

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