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Neck/Spine pain problem
9/26 9:00:59

Dear Sir,

Ever since a child the bones in my spine around the neck seem to stick out when i bend down, more so than my friends and other people around me. I always used to think this was to do with the fact that I was quite skinny, but even now that i'm a healthy weight the spine is still visible. You can even see the bones slightly when im standing with my head upright. I do not notice this on other people.

I'm now 21. I tend to get quite a lot of pain in my lower neck. Not only this but the spine tends to stick out a lot (almost like a dinosaur). I have tried to look in books and the internet as to what this spinal condition might be called, but all i can find is references to kyphosis or similar which are much further down the spine/back than my particular query. I have an office job, so spend much time infront of the computer with my head slouched. I don't have a great posture but i was wondering whether my condition can be cured through excerise or otherwise and whether i can straighten my lower neck so that it looks normal.

Thankyou for your time.


Thanks for the question.  It is normal to have come "sticking out" of the spinous processes in the lower cervical spine.  It is either the C7 or T1 vertebrae that is termed the vertebral prominens.  This means the most prominent vertebrae.  Some people's are more prominent than others. It is just anatomy.  

I would recommend a chiropractic evaluation to determine if a problem exists. I would also recommend exercises to keep the neck strong as your job is going to cause difficulty with neck pain.  

Right now I would not worry too much about the protrusion of the spinous processes, it may just be normal for you.

I hope this helps.

Dr. Boss

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