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about craniosacral therapy and chiropractic
9/26 8:59:40

Hi I was just wondering;
1) Does chiropractic medicine apply craniosacral therapy ?
2) Do you know the difference between craniosacral therapy and chiropractic medicine?
Thankyou so much!

Dear Dyani,

Yes, some chiropractors utilize cranio-sacral therapy in their practices, but some don't.  The techniques is briefly addressed/taught in some schools, but most doctors who utilize cranio-sacral get additional post-doctoral training after they graduate.

Chiropractic is based on the proper movement of the skeletal and muscular systems, and influencing neurological impulses and information by manipulating the spine and other body joints with adjustive techniques.  The activation of special receptors in the joint spaces called mechanoreceptors, stimulate the spinal cord and brain thereby reducing pain transmission, increasing proprioceptive information (your bodies awareness of itself in space), affecting both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in addition to higher brain structures and functions.  It is actually very complex and multiple reflex arcs in the neurological system can be influenced depending on the location of the adjustment.

Cranio-sacral manipulation is vastly different and is concerned mainly with the meningeal system (the three coverings of the spinal cord and the fluid {CSF} contained within that houses the spinal cord.  The outer meningeal covering called the Dura is attached at the inner part of the skull, all the way down the spinal cord, and at the base of the spine at the sacrum and coccyx.  By using very small gentle pressure and force, the physician/therapist aims to affect changes in the system.  

The cranio-sacral system is said to have its own rhythm, like our heart does, but is separate and not related to pulse or breathing.  this rhythm can be altered by trauma etc... and can be re-altered with therapy.  Practitioners who can become certified are chiropractors (DC), medical doctors (MD), osteopaths (DO), massage therapists (LMT), physical therapists (PT), and I believe acupuncturists as well.  For more information on cranio-sacral therapy, I would suggest that you read the UPLEDGER INSTITUTE website:  This technique has been largely based on the last 20 years of work of Dr. John Upledger.

Hope this helps your understanding Dyani.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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