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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Chiropractors > sublaxation of my L4 can cause kidney and bladder problems?
sublaxation of my L4 can cause kidney and bladder problems?
9/26 8:59:21

hi doc,

i have had a sublaxation of my L4 for about 12 years already.
been seeing a chiropractor to correct or adjust my spine since
1996. recently i have been experiencing frequency of urination
and discomfort on my bladder area and numbness of both my
legs and feet especially when i stand or walk for a long period of
time. anyway went to the e.r.
last thursday due to pain and they did a ct stonogram on me to
check if i had stones. everything was ok, no stones in my
kidneys, or urinary tract or bladder but it seems my S1 is also
affected. showed results to my rehab doctor. she wants me to do
another mri and a emg something to check my nerves in my
legs. last mri i did was 6 years ago. i am worried about this new
sensations in my legs and bladder plus now i get chills and
goose bumbs but no fever. question is can my sublaxation of my
L4 cause my kidneys or bladder to get affected but not my bowel


"Treat Your Own Back" by Australian physical therapist Robin McKenzie is an excellent reference book that may help you engage in an effective home rehabilitation program to complement the care that you be receiving from your chiropractor or physical therapist. It sells for about $10.00 through Barnes and Noble or Amazon. The current research shows that active self-care dramatically improves function and reduces symptoms for a large number of patients with low back syndromes.

Hope this helps.  

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