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Shoulder pain from neck to forearm
9/26 8:57:09

Hello, I thought it was tennis elbow but it has not gone away. Some nights it has gotten worse and some better. I just started playing golf and at first I thought I pinched a nerve but now I have this pain. It starts at the base of my neck radiates down my shoulder blade down my arm to my elbow where it is intense and my fore arm. I also have a slight numbness in my finger tips but only my thumb and pointing finger. This is down my right side.


What you're describing is very commonly caused by irritation or compression to a nerve from your neck.  The irritation can be from a cervical spine (neck) disc that is bulged or inflammed or it can be from joint degenerative changes such as bone spurs.  Either way, you should get this checked out if it doesn't go away in a few days.  A good physical exam will reveal much.  There's often little need for xray or MRI unless your physical exam warrants it.  These conditions, especially when they are new and acute, are often treatable with conservative methods.   

'Hope this was helpful,

Dr. G

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