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Dislocated shoulder
9/26 8:56:30

Eight years ago I dislocated my right shoulder and due not exercising to pop it back into place, it's still poking out. It can be very irritating. Will I need surgery or can a Chiropractor correct things even after all this time?


If you dislocated the AC joint, then there's nothing anyone can do. If you disclocated your glenohumeral joint (the ball and socket), then that is a different issue.  The AC joint, or acromio-clavicular joint, is simply left alone following dislocations.  It will remain as a bump at the top of the shoulder where your collar bone (clavicle)  ends.  Dislocation of the glenohumeral joint, where the head of the humerus (the ball) pops out of the socket, can turn into a situation where the joint becomes unstable, or too loose, and then is rendered more prone to dislocating again.  It also can tug on some of the tendons and become sensitive.  Regardless of which joint of the shoulder is affected, so long as there is no instability, and also provided that the sensitivity is due to soft tissue irritation, then a chiropractor that has skills in soft tissue therapy and shoulder strengthening/rehab is a good bet.  With any signs of instability, then you must be evaluated by a shoulder orthopedic surgeon.

'Good luck,

Dr. G

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