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Burning leg pain and loss of feeling right leg
9/26 8:52:49

QUESTION: I am a 47 yr old male. I am experiencing burning and tingling sensation on the right leg, thigh,calf and foot. I have had a total knee replacement on this leg and this is a sudden onset. I am unable to sit in an easy chair or lay down without it starting up. If I lay on my left side it does ease up a little. I am at a loss as what to do. Went to ER and they sent me home. Now I also lose feeling in the leg at all times and when I try to walk the leg gives out on me. I take about 10 steps and have to rest for about 5 minutes until I feel the strength return to the leg. Can someone tell me what might be wrong?

ANSWER: Marshall,

It is possible that what you are experiencing are the after effects of your surgery.  There are nerves that pass behind the knee and if they were irritated from the surgery you can be having a residual effect of that.  One thing that we have seen in 100% of patients that have had surgery of any kind; they all have problems afterwards.  Of course those problems vary, but they all do have some sort of problems after their surgery.  We try to tell people about exhausting all possible conservative methods of care and only choosing surgery after a sufficient amount of time has been spent in those other area first.

Obviously we cannot go back in time, so I from here we will move forward.  It is hard to tell for sure to what extent your surgery has to do with this compared to other possibilities, especially when I cannot examine you and go through a series of detailed questions, this is simply something that would have to be done in person.

What I would highly suggest to you is to seek out the care of an Upper Cervical Specific Doctor of Chiropractic.  This is the only healthcare professional in the world with the training and expertise in the location and correction of nervous system interference which is found at the brainstem level.

Through the Atlas and Axis "rings" pass the vital brainstem which is composed of basically all of the nerves in your body including your spinal cord.  Your legs are completely supplied by the nervous system which runs everything as well as the circulatory system and lymphatic system for supply and drainage.  Really all systems in your body and all cells are part of one body and all work together in some form or fashion.

Since the nervous system controls and coordinates all of your 700 trillion cells in your body, we just check your nervous system at the brainstem and are able to locate, measure, and correct any interference found there WITHOUT drugs, radiation, or surgery.  Once your nervous system interference has been corrected, you are then afforded the opportunity for normal function to be restored.

Please keep in mind that there are many factors involved in this that determine the outcome of your condition and your health, however, we see somewhere in the upwards of 90% of patients resulting in some improvement, much improvement, or complete improvement.

If you would like to receive a referral from me to a doctor who practices this work exclusively, then send me your town and your state along with any nearby cities.  Note that there are only a few hundred doctors in the entire world with the proper training, skills, and experience to practice the work properly and so you may need to travel for this specific care.  

When you go to a doctor that treats effects (symptoms) your results are extremely limited, and you never get truly well(I am sad to report that this is the way that 90% of America gets healthcare and this is why we are the 37th healthiest country in the world).  
When you go to a doctor that corrects the cause of your abnormal health, then your results are filled with possibilities and have no limits, and this is the way to improve your health and to get well.  

If you are able to grasp this Big Idea and literally go against what you have learned and what everyone else is telling you, then your LIFE will start to take on the quality, and the functionality, and the happiness that you were originally designed to experience by our creator.  

Get the Big Idea and all else follows - Dr BJ Palmer

Nothing is bigger than LIFE!

Yours in Best Health,

Dr Robert Arnone

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I went to the ER this morning and have been informed that the problem I have is called Sciatica, and there are a few complications to go with it. It seems that L6 is not only out of place but is also "SPURRED". The pain is unbearale as I cannot sit or Lie down. The Dr. gave me Valium, Percoset and prednisone in order to give some relief.I am wondering if this will last for long and do I need to see a surgeon and if so what type. I did not think it could have been from the TKR as that was performed over 5 years ago. Thank you for your answer and any further insight you can give me.

The ER may tell you that after their drugs do not help you to get well, that you need to have injections or some other form of pain management maybe even physical therapy. when you have tried all of those options and do not get well, then they will send you for surgery telling you that this is all that can be done for you because you have tried all of the conservative routes.  
This could not be further from the truth,  they will tell you that their care options are the only options and that is very ignorant.
We have a method of healthcare that is founded upon principles and based on Natural Law.
1)The body is self healing and self regulating.
2)The Nervous system is the Master System of that body, it controls and coordinates all cellular function in the body.
3)Interference in the Nervous System is the cause of all dis-ease and abnormal function in the body.
4)The correction of that interference is what gets sick people well and allows well people to stay well.
If you would like to experience what healthcare is designed to be when the patient and the results is what matters most as opposed to how much money the doctors and their colleagues can make from each patient then this is where you NEED to be.
Send me your town and state for a referral to a specialist.
I will look forward to your response.
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Rob Arnone

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