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hump below neck and curve loss in neck 95%.. help!!
9/26 8:49:43

Hi i visited a Chiro. since i have had this hump on the bottom of where my next meets shoulders for about a year.. they toke a exray and told me that ive lost 95% of my curve.. i basicly looked like i had a straight neck :( they also said that the bottom 2 bones where totally out of place and showing signs of arthritis? well im only 36 years old. they also said the way i stand if off... they told me i needed 36 visits to try and correct my neck issue and in doin this the hump should go away? does that sound right? Can i correct the curve of my neck and get myself in a better posture? Any ideas or advice how to precede? considering this is a francise that offered the 2 xrays for $20 and only spends 2 min on each patient and them has them put balls hanging from there heads while they tilt back for a period of time im wondering if i can trust them?
I am a hairstylist,,, im sure i dont stand straight but trying to make a effort now... i have pain in my neck and shoulders occaionally and mostly feel a tight feeling even now....... i get migranes....
I hope ive given you enough info and appreciate all recommedations on how to proceed and how to take care of my almost straight neck and is it a real problem?
Thanks again,

Dear Theodora,

First, please search through some of my previous answers regarding neck curves and the preposterous attempts of the chiropractor to scare the public into believing that the misalignments are going to be corrected with 36 or 100 treatment sessions: It's Not True!  I treat a lot of hair-stylists.  They stand over clients with brush in one hand and hairdryer in the other, etc, with their arms elevated and with growing muscle fatigue and soreness across the back of their shoulders.  Surely the chiropractic joint manipulation and the soft tissue release procedures will help alleviate these symptoms, but not because your bones are being re-aligned.  This is a misnomer.  It also is not a valid concept, since the curvature of your neck has nothing to do with whether you will have neck pain resolve or not.  There was only one study - and a criticized one (e.g. flaws) - that showed that this forcefull extension/traction process was more effective than regular joint manipulation.  But the abundance of evidence points in the direction that conventional chiorpractic joint manipulation along with soft tissue therapies (see, for example) and exercises is absolutely the best avenue: and likely in much less time than 36 visits.  I think it's a scam.   Find a chiropractor that will not look at the waste-of-time x-rays and instead treat you bases on your functional physical examination data and your reported symptom profile.  In other words, if you get treatment that brings you to the point where you feel good and function well and have no recurrance of pain, and that happens three weeks time, then why continue with 20 more visits?  It's preposterous!  It is quite reasonable to obtain periodic care when you don't feel right or if symptoms flare up. This is different then the false promise that your spine will be "corrected" and that you will never have problems if you undergo the ridiculous protocol to fruitlessly realign your bones.  

'Hope this helps.

Dr. G

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