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Muscle Strain in forearm
9/26 8:49:09

We worked on our irrigation system last Sunday and I was the one digging ditches (about 250 feet worth).  I was sore, naturally, the next day, but really noticed my forearm hurting on Tuesday. There is also noticeable swelling.  I work on the computer all day.  I have iced it down the past two nights and take ibuprofen for pain.  Neither seem to help much.  Today, I feel like my arm is real weak, making it hard to even type.  I took an ice pack to work, hoping that will help, but is there anything else I should be doing?  I know I should rest it, but how can I?I am right handed.  At what point should I see a doctor, or should I even see a doctor?

Following the ice/ibuprofen path, I would give it a few days to calm down, which it should.  Chances are you have a good strain of the forearm muscles, aggravated by computer use.  If, after a few days it doesn't calm down, you may want to check a chiropractor.  a good chiropractor should be able to assess and treat it, and, refer out if necessary.

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