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Symptoms related to back and neck injuries
9/26 8:45:44

I am a 37 yr old female I've had a few injuries in my time(a fall skiing, a fall off a horse and a minor car accident) which has resulted in some lower back pain and neck issues. I visit a Cranial sacral therapist and a chiropractor both of which have helped me considerably, however I am experiencing some other symptoms and I want to know if these could be related to my back and neck issues. I would occasionally get burning/cold sensations in my face and left side if I sit or lie for prolonged periods of time. I can experience dizziness and nausea when these occur. usually walking around stops the sensations but lately I am left with pains in my left arm, shoulder blade and sometimes my leg (I have been diagnosed with sciatica) I have had ECGs but all clear. i would appreciate any insight you may have. Even if there's little can be done it will stop me worrying. Thank you in advance!


I am happy to hear of your good results with your chiropractor(s) and I hope you continue on the path that you are on to express optimum health and wellness.

As far as your dizziness, nausea and the facial symptoms you are experiencing is more than likely a neurological problem. There is a movement in Chiropractic spearheaded by Dr Michael Johnson DC and Chiropractic Neurologist called Brain Based Therapy whereas the Chiropractor looks to the master organ of the nervous system ..the brain. Now before you get worried this type of Brain Based Therapist (BBT) focuses on how the brain functions and how it sends signals to other parts of your nervous system. He looks for faults in this system that can be corrected with BBT Brain Based Therapy.

In your case I would look to how your mid brain (mesencephalon)is firing to your upper brain and how both of these areas are relating to another part of your brain called your cerebellum. One of the main protocols in BBT is exercise with oxygen therapy (EWOT)because your brain needs two crucial things to be working correctly Glucose for energy and Oxygen. Although your cerebellum only constitutes 2% of your body it utilizes 20% of all the oxygen your body has available at any given time. In BBT certain exercises are prescribed to help the brain reset or rewire itself through a process called hyperplasticity.

This is not at all far fetched thinking as there are several videos on CCN video depicting the new era of brain based type treatment. I do have to say these videos will only be posted on their site for a short time. So if you are interested I suggest getting to their site asap as they will expire. I actually called to see how much a license was to carry these videos on my website but the want $2500.00/quarter as a fee. That priced me out of the market. I just couldn't believe there was an expiration date also.

Dr Johnsons website is and he has a list of Chiropractors who offer this BBT Brain Based Therapy at

Also as far as your neck arm and leg pain is concerned please contact the Chiropractor you are visiting and inform of these symptoms as he may not be aware of the idea that you are relating them to other events. Also see if you can find someone who practices BBT and/or someone who will get you on EWOT.

Also your chiropractor can call DR Johnson and get this information and start to study under him.

I hope you found this helpful information and please follow through with your Chiropractor. If he can't help you I am sure he would know who to refer you to.


DR John Quackenbush

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