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excessive joint popping w/ no pain
9/26 8:43:31

Lately I am experiencing excessive noise in my neck, spine, shoulders during a golf swing.  There is no pain, just an alarming internal noise. I swear I must sound like a pop corn machine on the tee box.  What treatment is available? I recall a "thumping" treatment I once received that seemed to do the trick.


If there is no pain, then - from a purely medical point of view - there is no problem.   Joints make noise, and it's different from one person to the next.   It doesn't matter if you are young or old, and I often see younger people, e.g. teens, with lots of joint noise.  Osteoarthritic joints often will make noise, but it's more like a sense of "gravel" or "sand" when one turns their neck.  You can try limbering up a bit prior to golf by twisting rhythmically left and right, turning your head and trunk (with elbows bent) left and right.   Don't do this with the golf club behind your neck or with a long pole...just with bent elbow.   See if you can get all the pops out with limbering, stretching, and warming up.   If not, go to the chiropractor and get some manual joint manipulation and see if that helps.   

Dr. G

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