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skull numb
9/26 8:43:15

i already have degen disc disease, among other issues with my spine. have had 2 surgeries and have spinal cord stimulator implanted. about 10 years ago i developed menieres disease...dr took too long figuring out what was wrong so had lymphadenectomy (sp??) still and will always have ringing noise n rt ear. 2 days ago woke up and an area of my right skull completely numb and there is a sore area near the numb area  as if i had bumped my head...just sore no bump, lump or anything. off and on headache today...probably from stress worrying about what's wrong. so, what do you think? i go to pain management every 90 days still. so should i talk to her or should i see another dr? do you have any idea what it might be to have come on so fast? may not be related but had periods of nausea couple weeks ago but thought it was medicine...had just started retaking amatiza for constipation and a med for dry mouth. didnt cause any side effects last time i took not sure of real reason for the nausea. but i'm scared...about the skull thing! hope you can help.
thanks susan

menieres has nothing to do with your doctor waiting too long to diagnose it. I'm not sure what kind of surgery you had on your spine. the nausea is from the menieres dx. they don't really know what causes menieres. Depending on the type of surgery you had you could consult a gentle chiropractor or a cranial sacral therapist to work on the muscles and soft tissue in the neck. menieres sometimes goes away on its own, but in your case it doesn't sound like that's happening.
I can't imagine why they would remove your lymph nodes, for menieres.

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