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activator methods
9/26 9:03:02

I have just started seeing a chiropractor for what I believe is a herniated disc. The x-rays haven't come back yet. The chiropractor I am seeing uses an activator on my spine for maybe 1 minute each visit. Can he do harm to my back? Is he just taking my money? Does this treatment do anything for a slipped disc?

Activator doesn't do anything for a slipped disk.  The DC believes that he is correcting stuck places in your spine and that this will lessen the force on the injured area.  It is a waste of time.

If you have a herniated disk with no symptoms such as muscle weakness, numbness, pain down your legs then usually chiropractors will manipulate your back with you on your side and this may give you some temporary pain relief.

However a better treatment is McKenzie technique by a physical therapist who will teach you to do home exercises so you won't need to see a chiropractor to manage the problem.

For more information about Activator see

Sincerely- AB

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