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MRI Cervical Spine
9/26 8:39:33

I would like some advice please on what the findings of a cervical MRI are:
The vertebral alignment appears satisfactory.
There is narrowing reduction signal intensity of the c5-C6 disc.
At C5-C6 there is a shallow broad-based prostate disc protrusion which indents the anterior CSF space.  There is no evidence of cord or nerve root impingement.  The spinal canal dimensions appear generous and the posterior CSF space appears well preserved.
At C6-C7 and a broad-based posterior disc protrusion which indents the anterior CSF space.  The spinal canal dimensions appears generous.  There is no evidence of cord or nerve impingement.
Focal Abnormality of the cervical cord is demonstrated.
I am particularly interested in the 'Focal Abnormality of the cervical cord is demonstrated'
Thank you

The focal matter appearing is the nothing. It's only stating that there was an abnormality visible. We know that by the previous sentence showing you have disc protrusions in your neck near the bottom of the cervical (neck) spine.
Are you in pain?
Are you being treated for this currently?  

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