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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Chiropractors > hip
9/26 8:38:23

Hi i am a 33 year old  male and lately my right has been clicking a lot when i move my leg in a certain position. Also I have been getting tigtness in my groin/hip area as in someting is getting pulled..Kinda feels like the thing runs to my testicle up to the body by the hip is being stretch, have any ideas???

Dear Patrick,

There are so many reasons why your hip might be painful and clicking.  Consider the following:

1) Lumbar disc injury/bulge/herniation
2) Degeneration of the hip
3) Congenital malformation of the hip
4) Injury to internal components of the hip
5) Avascular necrosis of the hip
6) Joint dysfunction of the SI joint
7) Lumbar Facet Syndrome
8) Spondylolisthesis of the lumbar spine


Without an evaluation at the least and possible imaging (x-ray, MRI, CT...) it is impossible to know what is going on in your hip region.

I would highly recommend that you see a physician for evaluation, either an orthopedist or a chiropractor.  Find one that your friends recommend.

I hope that this gives you some ideas. Good luck!

Keith Biggs, DC

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