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Compressed discs
9/23 17:42:05


I have 3 compressed discs - L4 L5 and L6, which give me pain every day, all day in varying degrees - from a dull ache, to sharp shooting pains, muscular spasms, pains down the right leg to jamming up completely/holding on to furniture type pain! I am sure it stems from a snowboarding fall 10 years ago when I landed with all my weight on my tail bone. I see a fantastic Osteopath in London who has helped me immensely although I am becoming increasingly concerned, as gradually over the years it is worsening. I am very body aware and an active slim person and have learnt well what I can do to help, ie; exercise and stretching and have learnt what aggravates it also.  I am 39 and feel that I am doing all I can to help myself but find it hard to remain positive sometimes. I wish there was an operation that would return the 'suspension' to these discs.

Any advice, however little, that you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your time.

Enjoy your day!

Linda Blackmore


Thanks for writing!

Congratulations on your decision to go ahead and live, regardless of the condition of the body!

The greatest thing you can do to help this condition is make sure your water intake is adequate, day and night. If you weigh 150 lbs, for example, you must drink 75 ounces of filtered or spring water every 24 hours. Or more if you back is hurting or stiff.

There is a great book out there for backs such as yours. It is by Dr. Batman*.*, the author of "Your Body's many cries for water". It contains specific stretching and positioning exercises which will correct a great number of backs such as yours.

If you need professional help, I suggest you go to and and look for a good chiropractor near you. The chiropractors on these lists are specially trained in technics which are completely safe and effective. They can get to the root of the problem right away. A good deal of what they do came from or through the osteopathic field.

Again, Congratulations on making wise choices! Keep up the good work!

Dr Rozeboom

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