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undiagnosed back injurie
9/23 17:41:34

I work on a shipping dock. While at work the product that I was lifting slipped on lotion that was spilled on the floor. It went down and I was bent over. When it slipped I grabbed it and it twisted and pulled my back. Since then I have moderated to severe pain in my back. The pain is always in the same spot. I have had mri's,x-ray's, and even a bone scan. The results show disc narrowing,and degeneration. The doctor I am seeing says there is nothing more he can do.
I have never had back problems before this injury. Am I really out of options.

Dear Owen,

Your doctor has missed the obvious:  you have back muscles in spasm, provoked by the sudden movement.  You were almost certainly quite tight before that moment, and the incident took you past the point of spasm.

The way to end a spasm is to recover control over the muscle(s).

Please see the articles on back pain at for more information and a solution.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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