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Bulging disc in neck
9/23 17:40:28

Hello Dr and thank you very much for taking the time to help me out.  I am a 36 year old male very fit and active.  I have been running, cycling and lifting weights since my teens.
On 11 Jan 07 while doing heavy dumbell shoulder presses (ie 80 lbs) I felt pain in my upper back and neck region and stopped the session.  I actually had done this type of strain/injury a couple of times in the last 3 to 4 years so i did not think it was that serious.  Within 10 days the pain/discomfort had completely gone and within 2 weeks I had returned to the gym.  Unfortunately I again injured the same area on 4 Feb 2007.  It felt worse than the earlier one.  I went to my dr the next day and had an MRI as well which showed mild central canal stenosis at C5/6 level, mild to moderate left C5/6 foraminal stenosis, no abnormal cervical cord signal to suggest underlying cervical myelopathy and no further significant findings.

I have had physio treatment twice a week, mainly traction and some massaging of the neck and muscles.  I have been told that basically rest is the best treatment and that the injury should heal in a few months.

I justwanted to ask what the prospects are for eventually returning to the gym and doing the weights I normally do eg.  220 - 270 lbs bench press, 130 lbs barbell curl etc etc.  In your experience do patients with this type of injury make a full and complete recovery?  Of course I understand that it may take many months to get there however being normally an extremely active person and now having gone to no physical exercising whatsoever I am finding difficult to cope and would love to have something to look forward to even if it is as I say many months away.

Thanks very much,


You have every chance in the world to recover completely, but why do you need to move that kind of weight around.  I was a competitive strongman for 4-5 years and then I became a doctor and realized that the weight is not important, it is the form.  I'm sure you think you are using "proper form", but I guarantee you the is some flaw in your technique.  I also suggest getting some treatments from a good chiropractor.  With your exercise habits, you are going to need some continuous care, for joint health, muscle health and bony alignment.  I am a member of a group that do some amazing things naturally.  If you are interested, go to to locate a doctor near you.  I am in St. Paul, Minnesota and would be more than happy to treat you.  If you have any other questions or concerns, please email me.

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