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pressure in head
9/23 17:40:21

Dear Dr. Leatherman

I have been writing to you regarding pressure in head for some time now. I took your advice I went to see a chiropractor and I have been seeing him for abour 7 times now. I feel worse after the adjustments have been made. I feel that the pressure on the right side of the head got worse. I went to get an MRI of the cervical spine and it showed nothing. However, I always feel as if my right side is always pulling up to my neck, back of the head, and the head pressure. I feel some relief from acupunture on those points. Please help me, I have done all tests and everything is fine, however I still feel a tight band on the right side of my head, and scalp hurts. I also feel more head tension after caffeine. Is there anything that the MRI didnt show? Please help me understand what it may be? Thank you

Dear Maria,

If the adjustments seem to make the pressure worse, and the acupuncture is helping, then you likley have a muscle component to the problem that needs to be addressed.  

If there are muscle imbalances or tight fibers on one side of the neck, these need to be alleviated.  The adjustment only addresses the mechanical nature of the joint space in relation to the neurological signals fired into the brain.  This does have an effect of reducing muscle spasm, but the the original problem is inherent in the muscular system then that needs to be addressed as the primary problem.

Myofascial release and deep tissue massage to the spasm areas with stretching to the tightened areas will be very effective.  Additionally, what was found on x-ray.  The postural alignment of the spine can be a very important structure problem if altered.  If the structure is abnormal, especially off to one side or the other, then the structure needs to be corrected to alleviate the abnormal stress on the musculature.  

The MRI does not address these issues.  The examination process and treatment needs to take multiple areas of the anatomy into consideration.  Even if one area is the primary cause of the problem, more often multiple areas need to be addressed before you will get a proper resolution or reduction in symptoms.

I would make sure that all of these factors are being addressed, and continue with the acupuncture in the mean time as it has given you the most benefit.  And yes, eliminate the caffeine if it is producing symptoms.  it is a powerful drug that affects all people differently. Although most people get great results with chiropractic care, you may be one of the few who do not.  If all of the above issues are being addressed appropriately, then you should be gaining benefit.  I am curious to see what your spinal structure looks like, I think it would likely show a lot.  If you have standing x-rays, I would be happy to look at them, just take a digital photo and send a copy to me through my website.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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