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nerve pinching painful hamstring
9/23 17:35:22

Dear Dr Leatherman,
Whenever I bend over (or lift my knee to my chest) I get muscle pinching in my lower back, right hip and shoots of pain down both the front and back of my right leg.  This especially happens when I attempt to stretch my right hamstring.  My right hamstring doesn't feel normal and is very tight. I am a keen runner and 4 weeks ago I started to get pain in my right ankle while running. This persisted so I stopped running 10 days ago. I suspect this is related to my other problems since the sensation I get when bending does go right down to my foot.  I visited a osteopath and have tried 2 physiotherapists none of which has improved things much. The physio I am seeing now also does acupuncture and cupping which is helping my lower back a bit. Should I try a chiropractor? I am also doing a lot of stretching but it isn't making much difference.

Dear Rachel,

A chiropractic physician would be a good choice, specifically one who has some advanced training with athletes and sports injuries.  I would suggest that you ask them to specifically check your gait while walking and running, ankle biomechanics, see if you have an anatomical short leg and lastly the sacroiliac (SI) joints need to addressed.  SI pain patterns match what you have described, and when inflamed can be very difficult to deal with. Unfortunately the sacrum and illium joint space is often overlooked as a initiator of low back and leg pain.  Clinical research has pointed to the increased need for medical professionals of all types to examine these joints in all back pain cases.

As a runner you are susceptible to specific injury patterns that may stem from your gait, an unstable foot (arch or stability issue sin the ankle) flexibility issues (tight calves, hamstrings, psoas, tensor fascia lata/illiotibial band), and weak hip musculature(butt muscles).

To help you find a chiropractor in your area with advanced training with athletes and sports injury you should look at the American Board of Chiropractic Sports Physicians website;  They have a physician locator to help you check credentials in your area and find a doctor close to your locale.  IF you can not find a certified chiropractor near you, check around and look for chiropractors who have completed some extra training in rehabilitation, or soft tissue techniques such as "ART" "GRASTON" or "SASTM".

Good Luck Rachel.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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