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tests to be run
9/23 17:23:06

I am only near forty years old and showing signs of this disease.
what do i ask my docter to run to determine what I have?
I know xrays tell and blood work, is there anything else that will pin point this so I know what I am in for.

Dear Mary,  Unfortunately, symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis can mimic other autoimmune diseases beside Rheumatoid Arthritis...

Usually a doctor will first do a blood test for the Rheumatoid Factor (RF blood test)....  If the patient is positive then rheumatoid arthritis is suspected...  A good Rheumatologist will also do other blood work to determine if the positive RF could be related to other autoimmune diseases before making a definate diagnosis....  Possible other diseases that carry a positive RF are systemic lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis, scleroderma, leukemia etc....  X-rays are also important in diagnosing Rheumatoid Arthritis and these must be done...

However, if you have suspected Osteoarthritis, there is NO blood work to diagnose this form of arthritis...  Only an MRI done of the effect joint can make a proper diagnosis....

Since I do not know what your symptoms are, I really can elaborate any further....   There are not many tests that actually diagnose RA, but if you get a good Rheumatologist, this doctor should be able to pin-point your problems....

Thank you,   karen  

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