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Gout Follow-up
9/23 17:22:20

QUESTION: What is the maximun dose of ibuprofen that I can safely take for gout? Is trolamine salicylate safe to use? I read that aspirin is not good to use if you have an attack.

ANSWER: Hi Mike,

Topical creams and anti-inflammatory do nothing to mitigate the underlying cause of uric acid deposition. Using these products will only prolong the condition and result in joint damage. You need allopurinol, that is the key, otherwise you are shutting off the fire alarm instead of putting out the fire.

Dr. Timothy Durnin

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Look, I have no insurance and cannot afford to go to the doctor. I just need relief.

I can't advise you to take OTC meds that will harm you, all I can do is give you ethical advise. Allopurinol is very cheap, one visit to a local G.P. for 75 bucks and you'll have 3 or more refills. You will spend that anyway taking the other stuff, then you will spend 10X that repairing the damage it will do if left untreated. If you lived near me I would charge you. I think you can find a physician that will help you in your area at no cost. It is worth a try. Taking ibuprophen long term may damage your kidneys, the topical cream is safe but won't help the problem, it only takes the edge off at best while uric acid crystalls destroy your cartilage. Please find help!

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