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Bone and muscle bruising
9/21 14:23:12
I had a fall from a roof on the 8th Feb. approx 6m fall. I fractured my pelvis in three places,two in my groin area. The surgeon could not operate because of the position of the groin break and proximity of nerves. I spent 13 weeks in hospital and am now mobilising using a walker. The problem is that I seem to have fell on my right leg and buttock which went from black to purple to yellow. I now have pain in my leg and buttock and an mri scan showed bone bruising. I have also sustained some nerve damage in that I have "dead" or numb spots below my right foot and behind my right leg and buttocks.  Will the bone bruising heal itself and how long does it normaly take. Also will the muscles heal them selves as my right leg cannot handle my body weight at this stage.

Dear Dereck

Please get another opinion.  Your surgeon may be correct, but I would like to see you contact a neurologist as well for the nerve questions.

Are you getting any professional physical therapy?  Muscles cannot heal well unless you are exercising them correctly.  If you don't exercise the muscles correctly you could be doing more damage than you think.  I would think that after 13 weeks, you should be partially weight bearing but without  physical therapy, that might be taking longer.

Please do the following:

1. Ask your doctor the above questions
2. Ask to be referred for physical therapy
3. Ask to be referred to a neurologist for evaluation
4. Get to a teaching hospital in your area and ask for a consult with a both an orthopedic and neurological doctor.

Best of luck to you.

Sharon Davis

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