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Neck Pain Eliminated Through Chiropractic Help
9/23 9:31:19
There are few things worse than neck pain. Neck pain usually leads to headaches which can have you running from the light and crawling back to bed. Neck pain can be acute meaning that it is sometimes sharp and painful but not long-lasting and it can also be chronic neck pain meaning the pain has lasted more than 3 months. Neck pain is painful and annoying. Most people will do whatever possible in order to rid themselves of it as soon as possible.

What are the causes of neck pain?

Neck pain can be caused by poor posture. Most people do not consider their posture when they are sitting at a computer but the tendency is to slouch over the machine while working. This can wreak havoc on your back and neck. Or, doing chores such as yard work or working in the garden can put a strain on your back and neck.

Neck pain can also be caused by grinding your teeth at night. Tensing those muscles even in your sleep can put a strain on your neck. Or, you might have worn out joints. Just like a car's joints get worn out so do the joints in our body. Osteoarthritis is a common problem that comes with age and that can cause stiffness and pain in your neck.

There are also disk disorders. There are cushions that exist between each of the disks of the vertebrae. Sometimes these disks become dry and stiff and this can cause irritation to the cervical spine which can result in pain in your neck.

Lastly, you could have pain in your neck from an injury. The most common is called whiplash and this occurs from being rear-ended in a vehicle. Your head is suddenly thrust forward and this puts a major strain on the neck muscles and ligaments.

What can chiropractic do for my neck pain?

Chiropractic is remarkably effective in treating neck pain. Chiropractic uses a variety of therapies to treat chronic pain from injury or otherwise but the one treatment that is most widely used is the adjustment.

An adjustment is specific and gentle force placed on the spine in order to release it and help it to return to its normal function and alignment. The chiropractor will take x-rays in order to determine where exactly the subluxation or misalignment is occurring in the spine. From this, he or she will be able to determine the best schedule of treatment to reach the desired goals.

Chiropractic care is one that has been around for over a hundred years and has just now begun to gain more exposure in mainstream healthcare. As more individuals have sought chiropractic care and seen dramatic improvements in their health they are telling their friends and colleagues about the amazing benefits of chiropractic.

Chiropractic can not only get rid of your neck pain but can treat a variety of health-related problems.

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