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Neck Pain Frisco TX: What are the Causes of Neck Pain?
9/23 9:31:18
A "pain in the neck" has become an idiom that means a chronic annoyance that nevertheless cannot be avoided. So what do you do when you actually suffer from neck pain in Frisco TX? You do not want to be condemned to suffer this kind of pain, like the idiom would suggest. What kinds of things can cause or contribute to chronic neck pain? Here are a few of the more common things:

1. Posture
This seems like an esoteric complaint. After all, "posture" sounds like something that was emphasized in school curriculum one hundred years ago. However, the way you carry yourself and hold your neck and head can have a profound impact on the muscles and bones in your neck. If you have had an injury, or you have some bodily condition that prevents you from carrying yourself properly, you should seek out physical therapy that will help you handle your neck pain in Frisco TX.

2. Slipped Discs
Your neck is part of your spine, in what is called the cervical area. When you have a herniated, or slipped disc in your neck, you will experience shooting pains in your neck, shoulders, and arms. This is not a hard and fast rule, though. Sometimes the symptoms are not so apparent, if they occur at all. Pain that is not at the site of the disc is from a nerve that is being pinched by the displaced disc. Sometimes the disc itself causes pain in the neck.

3. Trauma
The neck is a point of delicacy and vulnerability in the human body. It can often suffer trauma even if it is not the specific part of the body which has received the injury. If you have suffered an injury to the head or upper back, and are experiencing neck pain, the two may be connected. Have you been in a car accident? Have you had your upper body pushed so hard your head snapped back? This stretches the soft tissue in the neck too far and causes whiplash.

If you suffer from a literal pain in the neck, it can make the proverbial ones that much more annoying. Such chronic pain should not have to be tolerated and, thanks to modern treatments, does not have to be! So relieve yourself of at least one kind of pain and consult a neck pain specialist in Frisco TX today. Call Life Changing Chiropractic today at 972-584-0833.

Neck pain Frisco TX
Life Changing Chiropractic
11477 Custer Road Suite 106
Frisco, Texas 75035
(972) 584-0833

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