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Treating Neck Pain Properly
9/23 9:31:09
Neck pain is a nuisance. You can't turn your head effectively, which affects things like driving or walking and other daily activities. The flexibility of the human neck allows us to get along with forward facing eyes that have limited peripheral vision, so anything that restricts our ability to move our neck is very challenging. Treating neck pain properly requires an accurate diagnosis. With the proper care, neck pain can become a thing of the past for just about anyone suffering with this condition.

Minor Strains

Most minor neck pain is caused by either sleeping on a poor pillow, in an awkward position or the head-forward position while working. Long hours in front of a computer or driving a car can cause a strain on the neck muscles, leading to neck pain. These conditions are usually easy to diagnose. You wake up every day with a sore neck; so change your pillow to one that gives you better support. Your neck aches after a day at work, raise your monitor so that you look straight at it when seated comfortably. Long drives give you a pain in the neck, try changing position in the car, getting out for a few minutes every couple of hours or using a bolster behind your neck.

Treating a minor sprain is fairly simple. Keep a bag of frozen peas available just for this purpose. Peas mold beautifully to the curve of your neck. When your neck gets sore, wrap the bag of peas in a towel and apply it to your neck. You can also try heat, with a heating pad, or a microwave warmed neck wrap. Anti-inflammatory medications can be purchased over the counter as well. Remember to stretch and keep your neck muscles limber, this will help you heal more quickly, and stay pain free longer.

Cervical Disc Injuries

Spinal discs are the shock absorbers of the body. . Even minor changes in the density of these discs can cause significant neck stiffness. Over time these discs can get damaged or worn. When this happens, the inner gelatinous substance oozes out through a break in the other ring, placing pressure upon nerves in the neck. The result is neck pain and sometimes numbness and tingling in the arms, shoulders and neck. An MRI is necessary in properly diagnosing this condition.

The initial treatment of choice for sore and stiff necks resulting from disc problems is over the counter analgesics and anti-inflammatory medications. The next level of treatment includes physical therapy to strengthen neck muscles and increase your range of motion. For severe cases, injections of cortisone and analgesics are considered. If numbness becomes a serious problem, for example it affects your ability to use your hands effectively, surgery is considered as a final option. With surgery part of the vertebra is incised and any disc material pressing on nerves is removed. The vertebrae may be fused if the doctor deems it necessary.


Osteoarthritis is another cause of neck pain. Unfortunately, this isn't curable, but it is treatable. Physical therapy and over the counter medications are your best bet if your neck pain is a result of arthritis.

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