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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Spinal Cord Injury > voiding
9/26 9:49:15

i dont think these meds help you go easyer or do they,  Detrol LA and Ditropan, agian trouble starting, then start and stop about 5 or 6 times, burning with voiding, burning in the penile tip and discomfort, yes hes a  neurologist

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Question -
Hi, IM a 41 year old male, its been about 11/2 months with these systoms that are trouble starting, then start and stop about 5 or 6 times, burning with voiding, burning in the penile tip and discomfort in the lower lefted pelvic, low back,
ive been on flomax for 3 years to relax my bladder since i have a spinal cord injury, tryed all alfa blockers none are working, i did a Ultrasound, Cystoscope, and PSA blood work , rectum Prostate even miking it exam.all was fine, my doctor has ruled out prostatitis. Really need some good advise. urodinamics was ok also, please try to help. c5 c6 for 27 years , able to go on my own, any other meds i can take besides  i need to get back a good flow, and emprty easyer. im really going nuts taking this bad.

Answer -
Hi Joe,
Thanks so much for your question.

It sounds like your doctor did quite a workup on you. Although, you didn't mention whether your doctor was a urologist or a general practioner. If your doctor is not a urologist, I would suggest you see one about your problem. On the other hand, if your doctor is a urologist, then I would recommend you find a neurologist. And, if it's possible, try to find doctors whom have had experience treating patients with spinal cord injuries.

I have severe bladder spasms and have taken Detrol LA and Ditropan [not sure if it's spelled that way] with much success.

I hope this helps and if you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask me anytime.

Thanks aqgain,
John McKinzie


I have no bladder control and I have a foley catheter. These meds help control the bladder spasms. They get so bad that the sphincter muscle actually tightens around the catheter, cutting off the flow.

I don't know what your problem is or what can be done.

John McKinzie

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