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torn bicep muscle?
9/26 8:57:49

i am an adukt male 47 years old  510 265 relatively good shpe big but not real fat big upper body. today i was moving an antique gas pump about 250 lbs i was doing this with 2 othwer very small guys, i was hunched down with my left arm extended out from my side and my right arm reachinbg down to lift the bottom of the pimp, as the pump titled backward i attempted to pull it back up with my left arm at that moment i flet and unbelivable almost shock like pain hit the upper mucsle area of my bicep and i could hear a tearing sound, i let go and immediatley held my arm in a sling type position as itreid to entend my arm the pain weas intense i could and still can see where there is a a slight valley between my upper muscle and the top of my arm, it seems that the muscle is bunched up lower closer to my elbow, i can rtotate my palm and flex my fingers and streatch out my arm but it is painful what sould i do, please email me back or call me with some recommendations doug 623-606-1391 cell 623-386-9017 land

Dear Doug,

I would recommend that you get to an orthopedist and have this evaluated right away.  Here is why, if you need to have surgery for a repair, then the faster this is done the better the result.

Most bicep tears are not full thickness and require nothing more than time and rehab to heal, but if torn all the way through, then surgical reattachemnt is the only resolution.  With your description of a bulge in the muscle towards the joint, this mimics a full thickness tear of one head of the bicep.  

Now, many times they still won't surgically repair the muscle because there is not a large loss of strength with a bicep tear and most people can function well after the initial pain, swelling and inflammation abate. If you were a professional athelete, it would be fixed immediately. It is a decision that you and the surgeon must make depending on the extent of the tear, what level of function you wish to attain, and any cosmetic issues concerning the residual bulging tissue.

In the immediate time, utilize ice to help with inflammation and pain, over the counter medication can be helpful, but actually slows down the healing process, so use in moderation.  Get in to see an orthopedist as soon as you can.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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